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This comes after many pro level players have recently been caught using hacks and cheats that were designed to be hidden inside their mouse firmware. This is quite possibly the most aggressive move that anyone has ever made in any pro gaming league. Rules generally strictly prohibit cheating, though only if detected, and detection has never quite been this intrusive.Their efforts to improve include this 2-hour discussion with three volunteer mods that went on strike:A couple of points to note: First, according to Polygon it took three days for Grand Theft Auto 5 to hit its peak concurrent user count. And second, as we mentioned in our GTA report, the record applies only to non-Valve games, and continues to be dwarfed by them. Even so, it's undeniably impressive, and all the more so given that, as noticed by NeoGAF and captured below, Fallout 4 actually surpassed Dota 2 at one point today, and may well do the same to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. It's still a long way from their peak numbers—Dota 2 topped out at 766,000 today—but it's a heck of a start.

Narrowly securing a win on de_inferno, Fnatic increased its lead in an exhausting 16-14 slog through dust2 before ceding two games in a row on mirage and train. The final match was decisive: NaVi made a valiant effort to halt Fnatic's seven-round streak with a three-round run of its own, but sudden aggression from Fnatic left the Ukranian team floundering—16-6.

4. Enjoy CS:GO for less than what your friends paidAlmost exactly a year later, the Arms Deal update would be introduced. CS: GO would never be the same.Valve designer Greg “Gregori” Coomer published the new Steam Controller demo video over the weekend which shows the new device being put through its paces revealing how the touch sensitive pads function during gameplay.Punkbuster also allows server admins to take screenshots of what players see. If the server admin captures evidence of cheating, he or she can submit the proof to PBBans , a global database of hackers, making it very difficult for that hacker to join any Punkbuster servers. After being banned from Counter-Strike, I spent several weeks poking around the Ultra Cheats forums hoping that someone would talk to me about how the site was managed. I only got real attention once I admitted that I was writing a piece for PC Gamer. I bounced from admin to admin until I got to Slayer, Ultra Cheats' manager and lead coder.

The extensions Blaze uncovered include:A confident first win suggested the Epsilon had figured out the North American metagame after their 3-2 victory over returning champions Cloud9 yesterday. Once again, captain iRaffer’s Ymir—a support character that isn’t valued in the US—proved to be a vital playmaker, while jungler Adapting turned in a brilliant performance as Thor.There are many players in the Counter-Strike gunrunning game. Over the course of the last month, I've hunted down several such people, ranging from relative newbies to the scene, to big-name veterans who have made quite the name for themselves. If you thought Steam trading made for a safe environment, you may have changed your mind by the time we're through.Most gunrunners start off with just a small amount of cash in their pocket, and multiply that by many factors. One such trafficker told me of how he started with $60 in his Paypal account, and slowly but surely built this up via Reddit trading.

It would be easy enough to measure the key volume of a mechanical keyboard by how many coworkers it angers, but it’s more helpful to use real values. In order to find some noise levels, we took to Counter-Strike: Global Operations for some finger-snapping fun-er…work.The news comes out of the GlobalOffensiveTrade subreddit, where a post was made by Freakesport pointing to evidence of duping of the AWP | Dragon Lore skin, which you can see above and was worth around $1500, along with many others. All the items traded go through the same two accounts, then they are reported as stolen and Valve creates copies, as it's the only way they can restore lost items without harming legitimate customers. This was part of the reason for the new trading rules regarding phone authentication, but it seems something isn't working.A post on the main CS:GO subreddit has brought this to the attention of the wider community and, hopefully, Valve. Poster Derpcrawler shows that some basic napkin math and assumptions would indicate that over $1,000,000 will have been injected into the economy by this method. They also explains why this is actively damaging, lowering the prices of rarer items meaning less money going into the game. It isn't a massive problem now - the price of a single gun skin dropping from $1500 to $1300 isn't the end of the world for a wider audience - but could be a serious issue in the long run if Valve allow it to continue.

To test Nvidia's assertion that the card was ideal for MOBA games, I took it for a spin on some of the most popular titles in the genre: League of Legends, Dota 2, and Heroes of the Storm.We recently reviewed the Corsair Strafe ($110), a mechanical keyboard with semi-customizable backlighting. Since then, the Strafe RGB keyboard has come out as the higher-end RGB version with the same chassis.This kind of gambling – licensed, regulated, and by adults, is generally accepted in eSports. There is growing concern, though, that teenagers are being attracted to different forms of betting facilitated by third-party providers."We couldn’t be happier to be back in CS:GO,” CompLexity Gaming founder and CEO Jason Lake said. “Our love for the franchise is what lead to compLexity’s formation and we’re humbled and honored to be a part of the game once again. We’re also very excited to announce our new roster and eager to tackle the challenges ahead. Everyone involved understands that the division will be a work in progress, but developing talent and building champions are areas in which we excel." The original compLexity CS:GO team was acquired by Cloud9 on August 1 of last year. According to a Daily Dot report, the players were "disgruntled" by management policies, which among other things excluded them from any revenues earned through in-game sales of compLexity CS:GO stickers at that year's ESL One Katowice event. But bygones appear to be bygones.Said warnings rolled out as early as July of 2015. The Counter-Strike: Global Offensive team notified the community that operators who created servers that “falsify the contents of a player's profile or inventory” would be punished.Dawid Rozek, co-fundador y responsable de operaciones, dijo que este desarrollo se produjo a causa de la reciente celebración de cumplea?os de G2A cuando los invitados expresaron un gran interés en ver una colección de skins para sus juegos. A?adió: "Teníamos que crear una respuesta a los intereses de jugadores afanosos a los que les gusta la variedad." G2A Winter Wonderland Party - Celebrating the Birthday of the G2A.com Marketplace

Interestingly, when more granular results are looked at, some definite trends can be seen. If we consider just US sales, Global Offensive slots in at #3, but still sold more copies than any other country. Fallout 4 instead tops the US charts, with 968,000 copies sold, while GTA V hit #2, with 777,000.

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